Rough Sets Improv is a super fast paced short form (“Who’s Line is it Anyway” style) improv show where two teams of improvisors battle to the comedic death for your admeration and applause. We have been voted hands down the best improv group in the entire Renton area specifically on S 3rd st. You will not believe the hilarity that insues all based on the audience suggestions we receive in the moment. Be boring and pay $5 a person at the door or take a chance to get in cheaper by rolling a 10 sided dice and paying the number you roll $0 – $9, or go toe to toe with me for a 50% chance to get in free but if you lose you pay $10. We are not your grandmother’s improv team…. Unless I add my grandmother who is hilarious by the way! We are louder, faster, and funnier them 62.793 % of other improv teams and we stand by that number.