Rental Information

Thank you for you interest in renting our theater!

On this page, you will find the rental rates and technical information about the theater. If you already know you want to rent the space, click the button below.

Do you have a unique use case that doesn’t quite fit into the rate schedule below? Go ahead and submit a rental request and describe your circumstances in the details section and we’ll reach out to you!


NOTE: In most cases, there is a four-hour minimum per day.

Hourly Rates for Artistic Events

Rehearsal (Non-Profit)

$ 75
/ hour

Performance (Non-Profit)

$ 125
/ hour

Rehearsal (For-Profit)

$ 110
/ hour

Performance (For-Profit)

$ 175
/ hour

Hourly Rates for Other Events

< 25 People

$ 90
/ hour

25 – 50 People

$ 110
/ hour

> 50 People

$ 140
/ hour

Personnel Rates

Sound Tech

$ 40
/ technician / hour

Light Tech

$ 40
/ technician / hour


$ 30
/ stagehand / hour

House Manager

$ 30
/ manager / hour

Technical Information

Renton Civic Theatre has an ADA seating capacity of 225, plus up to 10 wheelchair-accessible spaces.

We can accept CD, MiniDisc, or Digital audio inputs.  We have qLab for audio and video, as well as a number of other media player options.

We have a motorized movie screen and a Maxell MP-WU8101W Projector.

HDMI AUX input available in the sound booth if you prefer to use your own equipment.  Must be able to output audio separately; USB preferred but 3.5mm or 1/4″ jack acceptable.

Projector specifications:

  • 1920×1200 native resolution
  • 16:10 (WUXGA) aspect ratio
  • 10-bit color processing
  • Video Modes available: 720p, 1080i, 2160p/60, 576i, 576p, 480p, 480i